Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Patient's Name *FirstLastStreet Address *Apt #City *State *Date of Birth *Zip Code *Sex *MaleFemaleHeightWeightEmail *Phone # *FirstMiddleLastCan we leave a message, if you’re not available?YNOccupation:YNMarital Status: SingleMarriedDivorcedWidowedSeparatedMinorEMERGENCY CONTACT:NameRelationshipSingle Line TextPhone #How did you hear about us? NewspaperDrive-byFacebookGoogle AdsYelpBNIInternet SearchReferral / OtherHEALTH HISTORYOn a scale of ‘1 to 10’, please rate the intensity of your chief complaint (0 – no discomfort, 10 = extreme discomfort)On AVERAGE your complaint is12345678910At WORST your complaint is12345678910FrequencyPlease check the box that best represents how frequent you feel your chief complaint(s)DailyPer weekPer monthTimes per monthOtherDurationWhen you are feeling your symptom, how long you your symptoms last? (copy)minshoursdaysconstantWhat Aggravates or Alleviates your Chief Complaints?FirstLastHow are your health problems interfering with the following areas of your life?WorkFamilyHobbiesLifeHow have you taken care of your health in the past?MedicationsDietary ModificationsChiropracticSurgeryVitamins & SupplementsArrosti / Active Release therapy InjectionsAcupunctureMassageExerciseChinese Herbal MedicineOtherHow did the previous methods work for you?ARE YOU HERE VISITING US, BECAUSE YOU (please choose one):1. Just want to get some relief from your symptoms, and them you’ll manage the rest with medications(s) 2. Want to Find and Correct the Root Cause of your Health problem(s), it possible, and Re-train your body to heal itself so that you can be less dependent on medications 3. OtherIf you were to sit down and discuss your life 3 years from now and look back at today, what would have to happen for you to be happy with your progress?(please take your time and don’t sell yourself short)What potential barriers do you foresee that would prevent you from achieving your Health goals? Rate on a scale of 1-10 (1 being lowest, 10 being highest)How important is it for you to resolve your health concerns?12345678910Are you prepared to make the appropriate lifestyle changes that may be necessary in order to achieve your goals?12345678910Are you pregnant?YesNoIf yes, how far along?Do you exercise: NeverDailyWeeklyMonthlyExplainDo your work activities mostly involve:Sitting (time:)standing (time:)Light laborHeavy laborWhat is your daily intake of the following:CaffeineAlcoholNicotine/tobaccoIllicit DrugsYesNoCommentsImaging & TestsX-ray (s)MRI (s)CT (CAT Scan (s)Ultrasound (s)CholesterolBlood SugarMammogramPAP SmearBlood Tests (Which)Nerve ConductionPlease check to indicate if you have ever had any of the following:Aids / HIVCancerHepatitisNeuropathyStomach UlcersAlcoholismChemical DependencyInfertilityPacemaker, Defibrillator StrokeAllergy ShotsChicken PoxKidney Disease Paralysis / Semi ParalysisSuicide attemptAnemiaDiabetes (Type 1 / 2) Liver DiseaseParkinson’s diseaseThyroid Disease (hyperthyroid, hypothyroid)AnorexiaEpilepsyLow Blood Sugar PolioTuberculosisAutoimmune DiseaseGall Bladder DiseaseLung Disease (Bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema)Prostate ProblemsTyphoid FeverBladder Disease (UTI, IC) GoiterMeaslesProsthesisWhooping coughBleeding DisordersGonorrheaMononucleosisPsychiatric CareBlood Pressure (too high / too low)GoutMultiple SclerosisScarlet FeverBulimiaHeart DiseaseMumpsSkin Disorders (rash, eczema, psoriasis)Please list ALL health care providers (family, physicians, surgeons, specialists, chiropractors, etc.) currently treating you:List ALL disorders you are CURRENTLY being treated for (include the dates of when you were diagnosed)List ALL disorders you have had, or have been diagnosed with (include the dates of when you were diagnosed):List ALL types of Surgeries you have had in the past (includes dates):List ALL Accidents and/or hospitalizations you have had in the past (include dates):List ALL Allergies (Food, Medications, Pollen, etc.):List ALL Medicines (prescriptions & over-the-counter) you are CURRENTLY taking (include duration of use & Dosage):List ALL Nutritional supplements, Herbs, or Vitamins, you are currently taking:List all Medical conditions of your immediate family:MOTHERAge if livingIf deceased, cause of deathCancer (s)DiabetesHeart DiseaseStrokeAutoimmune DisordersMental IllnessOtherFATHERAge if livingIf deceased, cause of deathCancer (s)DiabetesHeart DiseaseStrokeAutoimmune DisordersMental IllnessOtherBROTHERSAge if livingIf deceased, cause of deathCancer (s)DiabetesHeart DiseaseStrokeAutoimmune DisordersMental IllnessOtherSISTERSAge if livingIf deceased, cause of deathCancer (s)DiabetesHeart DiseaseStrokeAutoimmune DisordersMental IllnessOtherWe find that when all of your healthcare providers are up to date with your treatment progress, it makes it easier for all of us to better help you improve your health. Is it okay if we contact the above healthcare providers to update them on the treatments you are receiving here?YesNoIMPORTANT: Complete these documents as thoroughly as possible, please be honest with yourself. Some of the questions that follow may seem unrelated to your condition, BUT they may play a major role in diagnosis and treatment. All information is strictly confidential.PAIN SENSATIONSharp / StabbingCramping / AchingMoving / ShootingAlleviated by pressureBurning / Alleviated by coldFixedAlleviated by warmthNumbness / tingling / Pins & NeedlesSensation of Heaviness, Joint SwellingPAIN LOCATIONHeadache (top of the head) Abdomen (upper)Headache (sides of the head) Abdomen (lower)Headache (front sinuses)Sides of BodyHeadache (back part of the head)Neck / Shoulder / Upper BackChestLower Back / HipsArms / Legs / Hands / FeetDIGESTIONAbdominal Bloating after eating / Abdominal Bloating and PainAbdominal Discomfort worsened by oil / fatty foodsAppetite is excessive / Constant HungerLower Abdominal pain radiating into testicles / scrotumUpper abdominal (epigastric) pain, bloating OR BurningAcid Regurgitation / Acid RefluxNo thirstPoor appetiteThirsty frequentlyHiccups / BelchingNausea / VomitingBOWELSWatery stool w/ undigested foodBorborygmus (rumbling noise in intestines)Constipated / Difficult defecationFrequent Bowel movements but in small quantityDiarrhea w/ Foul Smell or spasmsAnus Burning, swelling, itching & painDiarrhea / Loose StoolConstipated w/ dry stoolsCARDIOVASCULAR Palpitations / Heart FlutteringChest PainEdema / Fluid Retention in Lower LimbsMENTAL ACUITYMental ConfusionPoor MemoryLack of Concentration Foggy BrainPERSPIRATIONAbsence of sweatingFrequent & Spontaneous SweatingNight SweatsIMMUNE SYSTEM / ENERGYFrequent Common Colds / InfectionsFatigue, Low EnergyLow LibidoORAL & UPPER RESPIRATORY HEALTHDecreased Sense of Taste Bitter Taste in MouthSticky Sensation in MouthMouth is Dry / ParchedFoul Breath Throat is Dry / Hoarse Voice / Loss of voiceThroat is Scratchy / TicklingFeeling of Lump in the ThroatThroat is Sore, Red, SwollenLoose Teeth / Bad Teeth / CavitiesGum Pain & BleedingSneezing, Itchy NoseNasal / Sinus Congestion / Runny NoseNosebleeds / Nose is DryTinnitus / Hearing Imp[aired / diminished hearing / Hearing LossRESPIRATORY SYSTEMSuffocating sensation in chestShortness of BreathCough that is weak w/clear thin sputumCough w/ thin, watery sputum / copious sputumCough w/ thick, sticky, yellow sputumDifficulty Breathing esp. when lying down Chest Congestion w/ full feeling in chest, heaviness in chestAsthmaWheezingTendency to sigh Coughing up BloodEMOTIONAL HEALTHAnxietyRestlessness, Impatient, Irritable, AgitatedEasily Startled / FrightenedDepression / Mood Swings . StressedNervousnessBODY TEMPERATURECold hands & feet / Cold Body temp sensationHot flashes / Heat in hands, feet, chest / Hot Body temp sensationChills w/ low grade feverFever w/ sweatingEYE HEALTHBlurred Vision / Decrease in vision / Night BlindnessDry EyesEyes are Red. Swollen, painfulFloatersSKIN, HAIR, NAILSSkin & Hair are dryFlushed, Red FacePale ComplexionHair Loss in HeadFacial Swelling / Puffiness Fingernails are brittleURIUNATIONFrequent & Excessive clear urinationScanty, dark, difficult urination, painful urinationUrinary Incontinence, dribbling after urinationFrequent, Urgent, painful urinationSudden interruption to urine streamUrine is dark, yellow, cloudyStones / Sand in urineBlood in urineSLEEP QUALITYWaking at 2 or 3 am w/ difficulty falling back to sleepDifficulty falling asleepDream disturbed sleep. Excessive dreaming, wake FrequentlyEasily AwakenedInability to stay asleepNERVE HEALTHDizzinessVertigoMuscle Weakness / Spasms / NumbnessTremors / Muscle TwitchingFacial Paralysis / Partial ParalysisPartial Paralysis Muscle StiffnessUnsteady Gait, feels unsteady, poor balanceMALE ORGANPremature Ejaculation / Involuntary discharge of Semen w/o OrgasmImpotence (Inability to achieve erection)Testicular pain w/ swelling & Burning sensationEczema in ScrotumFEMALE ORGANExcessive Vaginal Discharge that is clear Menstrual Flow is lightVaginal Discharge that’s yellow w/ foul smell Menses arrives lateIrregular MensesAmenorrhea (absence of menses)Dysmenorrhea (painful period) Shrinking of the vaginaBreast TendernessItching in Vagina areaSubmit